A Navajo Owned consulting company, dedicated to empowering Indigenous communities, Native owned enterprises, and advancing STEM initiatives.

Navigate Tribal Landscapes with Expert Confidence

Guiding Organizations to Understand and Thrive Within Indigenous Communities

Consulting Disciplines

Expertise Areas

Give life to your project or initiative with innovative ideas and proven consulting techniques.

Project Development

We don’t just see projects; we envision success stories. Harnessing various techniques from multiple disciplines, our project development approach is innovative and meticulous.

Organizational Advisory

Advisory isn’t about pointing directions—it’s about sculpting pathways to excellence. We provide your organization with unique perspectives and a tailored process that illuminates the path forward.

Community Engagement

Through our specialized approach to community engagement, we empower your organization or project to resonate profoundly with the very people you aim to serve.

Our Approach

Consulting Process

Step 1


We work with you to fully understand your vision and challenges to reach your goals.

Step 2

Custom Plan

We will work with you and your team to create a customized plan tailored to your needs.

Step 3


We provide implementation and ongoing support to ensure the plan’s success.

Questions? Get Answers

Looking for expert advice? Our experienced consultants are here to help.

Stanford Lake, PE

Owner, Project Manager